Fulton County offers F.O.C.U.S.
Awards for outstanding employees who
are on the front lines, providing the services that make an impact on the
lives of our citizens. The campaign highlights the passion of our
staff and their commitment to providing the best possible support to our
citizens that is at the core of our success as an
organization. Below are the 2nd quarter Fulton County employees
highlighted who are making a difference in the lives of our residents
every day.
and Beyond Award
it comes to working with multiple clients both inside and outside Fulton
County, keeping your priorities in order is a key. Donna Jenkins, Assistant
Chief in the Purchasing Department, has mastered that ability and more.
Donna works with multiple clients in the Control Compliance and Purchasing
sector and recently completed an important project involving public
infrastructure construction work in unincorporated south Fulton County. Her
ability to understand and navigate unfamiliar territory concerning
construction and purchasing was key in the project’s successful completion.
Because of Donna’s desire to go above and beyond the parameters of her job,
the entire unincorporated south Fulton Community and the planning and
Community Services Team greatly benefited when the project was completed on
time and within budget. Donna uses outstanding work ethic in all aspects of
her position, never hesitating to offer guidance and assistance to her
co-workers as they work with complex and challenging projects designed to
provide Fulton County outstanding public service. It is with great pleasure
we present Donna Jenkins with the Second Quarter 2017 FOCUS Award in the
Above and Beyond Category.
Barbara Hollar is a Records and Documents Specialist in the Fulton County Health Department. |
Service Award
of us have been touched by someone dealing cancer. The American Cancer
Society reports that about 40% of the population will be affected by the
disease either directly or indirectly. Barbara Hollar is a Records and
Documents Specialist in the Health Department and when someone she knew was
dealing with cancer, she cut her golden locks in honor of her dear friend
who faced treatment and reconstructive surgery.
donated her clipped hair to Locks for Love to have a wig made for a
financially disadvantaged child who lost her hair due to a medical
condition. Her contribution inspired others to participate in not only
learning more about cancer awareness, but also to become donors. Barbara
shared her experience with her coworkers who joined her in “paying it
forward” by doing acts of kindness to others. Her kindness in thinking of
members of the community makes Barbara Hollar the perfect winner for the
Second Quarter 2015 FOCUS Award for Community Service.
Veteran Lt. Moffett of the Fulton County Jail. |
Heroism Award
November 29, 2014, the Fulton County Jail suffered the most extensive
damage to property at the hand of inmates in the history of the Rice Street
Facility. Using jail issued uniforms and mattresses inmates willfully
started a fire on the 7th floor maximum security housing unit of the jail.
The fire burned continuously causing zero visibility because of the thick
black smoke. Thanks to the quick actions of Lt Jeffery Moffett and Sgt.
David Wells, two veteran members of the Sheriff's Office, a life
threatening situation was averted. The two Officers re-entered the housing
unit to ensure a total evacuation had taken place. Lt. Moffett and Sgt.
Wells disregarded their own safety to save the lives of those who may still
have been smoke filled facility. Not only did their brave actions possibly
saved lives, their leadership displayed during a time of crisis was
exemplary. We are proud to present the Second Quarter, 2015 FOCUS Award for
Heroism to Lt.
Moffett and Sgt. David Wells, You are our heroes!
The Health Services Team of Raymond Gotell, Vincent Broughton, Dwayne Charles, Walter Washington, and Javier Zamora. |
Customer Service Award
film "The Magnificent 7" was about a group of men who save a town
from the bad guys by protecting citizens from the bullies. We have our own
magnificent bunch right here in
Fulton County who save citizens every day by providing outstanding customer
service! The Health Services Team of Raymond Gotell, Vincent Broughton,
Dwayne Charles, Walter Washington, and Javier Zamora are responsible for
building maintenance, office moves, deliveries, special events set-up and
break downs, purchasing supplies and building security. They perform these
duties for approximately 12 facilities in various locations around Fulton
County. During the ice and snow storm earlier this year, team members
prepared buildings with ice and salt solutions and debris removal to ensure
the safety of citizens using those facilities. Some also coordinated the
movement of vaccines from one facility to another as needed. The Health Services
Team has demonstrated a spirit of unity and dedication to the citizens
Fulton County and are deserving of the 2015 2nd quarter FOCUS Award for
Customer Service!
Dr. Pauline Ewulonu, Fulton County Office of the Child Attorney. |
Professional Excellence Award
are our most precious resource and, those entrusted with protecting those
children are our most important citizens. Dr. Pauline Ewulonu of the Office
of the Child Attorney exemplifies those principles. Dr. Ewulonu travels the
state to various schools to attend the child client's Individualized
Education plan meetings. She also reviews the medication the clients are
using to determine if more evaluation is needed. Because of her efforts, children
are enrolled in the correct courses, and are credited with all courses
completed. In addition, Dr. Ewulonu remains focused on laws and policies
regarding education to ensure that schools are complying with those
procedures. She also spends time counseling with students, parents and
educators on how to best pursue educational goals. We can rest assured that
because of the dedication and expertise of Dr. Ewulonu, children in the
care of the Office of the Child Attorney are getting the best possible
guidance. We are proud to name Dr. Pauline Ewulonu the Second Quarter 2015
FOCUS Award for Professional Excellence!
Carlyn Mahone, a Registered Nurse with Fulton County Human Services Department. |
and Security Award
Taking care of our most fragile citizens requires compassion and dedication.
Qualities exemplified by Carlyn Mahone, a Registered Nurse with Human Services.
Carolyn cares for seniors with Alzheimer's disease in adult day care programs. She
connects with those in her care on personal bases in order for the seniors to
get to know her and feel comfortable in her presence. Her techniques include
using a kind and gentle manner and engaging seniors through activates that
promote laughter and comfort. She is quick to praise for any effort, small or
large. Because of her caring nature, seniors feel safe and secure in adult day
care, knowing that Nurse Carolyn is always there to provide love and support. For
her dedication to helping our fragile citizens we are proud to name Nurse
Carlyn Mahone the Second Quarter 2015 FOCUS Award winner for Safety and
Leadership Award
Business magnate Ray Kroc once said: “The quality of a leader is reflected in the standards they set for themselves.” Tracey Davis Gilbert’s efforts on behalf of Fulton seniors reveal her as the type of person dedicated to raising that standard. Leadership qualities take many forms and thanks to Ms. Gilbert, Fulton County citizens are led by her caring and professional guidance. By doing careful research on the most effective ways to demonstrate leadership, Tracey has gained the respect and admiration of those in her care. By building a spirit of teamwork Tracey has created an environment that focuses on working together to accomplish goals. Her techniques have been successful in building confidence in the seniors in her care. Tracey leads by example and Fulton County seniors are the beneficiaries of her expertise and guidance. For her dedication to providing care and support to Fulton County's seniors, we are proud to name Tracey Davis Gilbert the Second Quarter 2015 FOCUS Award winner in the Leadership Category!
Stepfanie Pate Fulton County Office of Child Attorney. |
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